Sunday 28 February 2016


Can we ever enumerate the countless blessings which the almighty has bestowed upon us? I mean just think about it. What if we didn’t have a house to live in? What if we couldn’t afford to eat once….Not even thrice…just once? What if we were physically challenged? What if you were not bestowed with good health? What if you were not the same person as you are today? What if u didn’t have the luxuries you are enjoying today? What if everything you have in life just flies off within a second? What if there was no one you knew in the world? What would you do? Where would you go? Whom would you ask for help? Having somewhere to go is HOME. Having someone to love is FAMILY. Having both is such a BLESSING. What if you didn’t have them?

If ever you find a person who is ready to help you, he could help you for that moment. Will he be taking continuous responsibility of how you are for the rest of your life? No he wouldn’t because he wouldn’t know who you are. You are not so important to him. You are just a random guy to him. But for my ALLAH you are so special. He wants to help you; however bad you have been to him .Why wouldn’t you just take in a moment and call on to ALLAH. Why wouldn’t you weep like a baby in front of your creator? Do you think anybody in the world knows you better than ALLAH? Do you think anybody understands your condition better than ALLAH?

No one in the world understands you as much ALLAH does. Ask him for everything even the silliest of things in life. Thank him for everything. Just take in a moment, say ALHUMDULILLAH. Why do you think ALLAH doesn’t has time to listen? Take in a moment to realize do we have time to pray on to him? Do we have time to praise and please him? And if you ever find it hard to appreciate what ALLAH has blessed you with, spend a day with someone who doesn’t have the things you have. When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less. Praise him; praise him for his boundless pleasures.

Wish not for the people of the world to be pleased with you. Wish for the creator to be pleased with you. Wish not for company of people in  this world. Wish for the company of the most beneficial, most merciful ALLAH.
No amount of guilt can change your past; no amount of worry can change your future. But trusting in almighty and having tawakkal that he alone is enough for us…..can make our paths easier.

Ya ALLAH, Alhumdulillah for all the pleasures you have granted us. Alhumdulillah for all the difficulties we have been into. Alhumdulillah for everything and we seek guidance from you and only you in every step of life. And we believe only you are sufficient for us. May all our dua’s and prayers be accepted. Ameen

                                                                                           Amal Ansari.

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