Sunday 28 February 2016


Can we ever enumerate the countless blessings which the almighty has bestowed upon us? I mean just think about it. What if we didn’t have a house to live in? What if we couldn’t afford to eat once….Not even thrice…just once? What if we were physically challenged? What if you were not bestowed with good health? What if you were not the same person as you are today? What if u didn’t have the luxuries you are enjoying today? What if everything you have in life just flies off within a second? What if there was no one you knew in the world? What would you do? Where would you go? Whom would you ask for help? Having somewhere to go is HOME. Having someone to love is FAMILY. Having both is such a BLESSING. What if you didn’t have them?

If ever you find a person who is ready to help you, he could help you for that moment. Will he be taking continuous responsibility of how you are for the rest of your life? No he wouldn’t because he wouldn’t know who you are. You are not so important to him. You are just a random guy to him. But for my ALLAH you are so special. He wants to help you; however bad you have been to him .Why wouldn’t you just take in a moment and call on to ALLAH. Why wouldn’t you weep like a baby in front of your creator? Do you think anybody in the world knows you better than ALLAH? Do you think anybody understands your condition better than ALLAH?

No one in the world understands you as much ALLAH does. Ask him for everything even the silliest of things in life. Thank him for everything. Just take in a moment, say ALHUMDULILLAH. Why do you think ALLAH doesn’t has time to listen? Take in a moment to realize do we have time to pray on to him? Do we have time to praise and please him? And if you ever find it hard to appreciate what ALLAH has blessed you with, spend a day with someone who doesn’t have the things you have. When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less. Praise him; praise him for his boundless pleasures.

Wish not for the people of the world to be pleased with you. Wish for the creator to be pleased with you. Wish not for company of people in  this world. Wish for the company of the most beneficial, most merciful ALLAH.
No amount of guilt can change your past; no amount of worry can change your future. But trusting in almighty and having tawakkal that he alone is enough for us…..can make our paths easier.

Ya ALLAH, Alhumdulillah for all the pleasures you have granted us. Alhumdulillah for all the difficulties we have been into. Alhumdulillah for everything and we seek guidance from you and only you in every step of life. And we believe only you are sufficient for us. May all our dua’s and prayers be accepted. Ameen

                                                                                           Amal Ansari.

Thursday 25 February 2016


We fall, we rise, we make mistakes, we live, we learn. We are human, not perfect. We have been hurt, but we are alive. What we thought to be our ultimate future will change in a matter of time. But this is LIFE. It is ought to be this way.  Remember the road to success is always under construction.

Think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy and to chase the thing you love. It is such a blessing from our almighty. Regardless of what came before or of what has yet to come, what matters right now is how I choose to respond to the challenge before me. Will I lie down or will I fight? The choice is mine and I choose to finish strong. The soul will always know what to do to heal itself. The real challenge what comes in is to silence the mind.

Life in every aspect is teaching you something which we need to understand. Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your two feet. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. 
Anything you can’t control is teaching you how to let go.

Never assume people to have an easy life with no serious problems. You will not understand it unless you put yourself in their position and really see what their life is like. Do not tell someone has an easy life. No one does. Life at sometimes will throw some tough blows. You have to learn how to roll with punches and keep fighting. There will always be someone who will break your heart. You may be so depressed that you just sit in the corner and cry for hours. But you just have to remember LIFE GOES ON.

Life is seriously too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t. And believe in the almighty he will never do wrong on to you. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance – take it, if it changes your life – let it. Almighty doesn't give us what we can handle; he helps us handle what we are given. The irony is we don’t understand our strength’s. I would probably say if there is some difficulty upon it is such a blessing. No matter how grave it is. No matter your life would take a 360° angle turn. But at the end it will teach you to be stronger. It will let you know who you are. At the end you will have what you deserve to have.

It is from the four unbreakable promises from the almighty. Remember him, HE will always remember you. Call upon him, he will respond to you. Then where does the worry lie. Have a problem speak directly to the creator. No one has a better understanding of your situation. Not even you. But yes, HE does understand and verily you ask for guidance he will guide you. For he is the most merciful.

Do not blame a person for a simple reason that nothing is going right in your life. Or what you have wished for is not happening just because he doesn't wish for it to happen. everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind like always always in your life. do not judge people. even if they have done so much wrong onto you. It wasn't from him. It was from the almighty.

                           Always believe in him and have tawakkal.                      
 Amal ansari

Sunday 21 February 2016


Hello Beautiful People,
                  Who doesn’t want a clear beautiful glowing skin? I never had a happy, clear, glowing skin. Unfortunately, that’s just something I did not get in my goody bag of genetics. But nevertheless I have horribly annoying, dry, sensitive, acne prone skin. Good news is that I know I’m not the only one out there that struggles with stubborn skin. While that doesn’t really make those “bad” days any better, I have tried a lot of products and have learned a lot of tricks.

Being honest with you guys I don’t really need all that make up and I don’t even put on a bb-cream at its simplest on a daily basis. Just a bit of moisturiser on my t zone because it gets really dry and I'm good to go.

Despite the fact that I have not been used to so much make-up I tend to break out pretty easily. So yes, I do try and do everything I can to manage my skin and keep it healthy.

I know I’m not alone when it comes to moderate/severe acne, so hopefully this will help a few of you. If you do suffer from acne, just know that people don’t notice your blemishes as much as you think and you are beautiful individual inside out. Everyone has some kind of insecurity, so don’t let your acne get you down! Now let’s get to it   
Having said I had horrible acne it is for sure that I have tried a wide range of facial cleansers over the time. I would like to share all of the cleansers I have used and which I have found to be more suitable for dry-sensitive skin.    


This was the first ever cleanser I have used for my acne which was supposedly the dangerous form of all times. I had third degree acne when I was 16 and pretty much at college level. Now the very first thing I did is consulted my dermatologist and she recommended keracnyl cleanser and some ointment which ran out of my mind for my acne. It was a pretty good one and it then became my holy grail product for 3-4 years. I would break out once in a month but it wasn't that severe. It took almost 2-3 months for my acne to go off and I had absolutely minimal spots and gracefully I didn't have any scaring.

It was initially priced at Rs 300/- and then after 2-2.5 Yrs approximately the price shot up to Rs 430/- . Despite me using it regularly for years I would have acne every now and then. Not so severe though. But also because the price range I decided to discontinue it.


This acne bar caught my attention when my younger sister was using it.  She had minor acne and so the dermatologist recommended her to use this acne bar.  As I was already in search of a cleanser I switched on to the dermadew acne soap and  noticed that it works pretty much fine in reducing my acne spots and also active acne. It was pretty reasonable at a price of Rs115/- . The only flaw I could relate to is it would make my skin so much dry but it was not bothering me much because my routine already had a moisturizer.


I was using dermadew for almost a year and then during winters I couldn’t bear with my dry skin and moreover I had almost clear skin during these years, Just an active pimple during those days of the month and then it would vanish. I decided to try out a subtle acne face wash which I would continue using as a staple product in life. I gave Neutrogena oil free acne wash a try and got addicted to it. I almost finished 4-5 bottles and still use it.
I would recommend people to use this product if they have acne prone skin as a regular face wash with a scrub from its own range.

Over the years I have noticed a unique behaviour of my skin. I call it unique because I tend to usually break out in the last three months of year and  have been noticing it for the past 3-4 years and the rest of the months I have a clear skin.

From the past 2 months I had series of weddings and I do not understand what came as a triggering factor. My skin broke out so much . I immediately started using dermadew with two of the ointments which my dermatologist recommended me (Faceclin and adalene nano gel).
These three products are a life saver for my skin. They suit my skin type and I often use a moisturizer which is aloe based (elovera) if the soap tends to dry out my skin.
So this was it. Hope you guys enjoy and have a good day!
Amal ansari

Friday 19 February 2016


Hello Beautiful People,
        Creative people around the world are now sharing their art and ideas with videos on the Internet via YouTube. The next time you need some inspiration, or just a pick-me-up, check out these YouTube channels. All of them make you feel so much better.
So first things first , me being a girl and being in my 20’s I'm always attracted towards beauty guru’s on YouTube but let me tell you guy’s YouTube is just not about make-up tutorials. My first interest being cooking I would always give the credit of innovative cooking to YouTube because it always gives you  a gazillion ideas of making such a basic meal sound so interesting and appealing.
So for me YOUTUBE is life….like literally I need to go out for a party I go on YouTube…I want to cook something my resort is YouTube…I get bored ..again YouTubeoh Mann!!!
Me getting inspired by such fabulous persons virtually I want you guys to know them and get inspired too. Starting with my major love “cooking”.
OHH! She is such a darling and great cook and truly an inspiration for a girl like me.  I have been introduced to a wide variety of global cuisine ranging from Italian to Mediterranean and so many. I would highly recommend  people who are interested in cooking to watch her channel as she makes it so much easier.
Before watching domestic geek I have never imagined that pancakes could be so flavorful and the smoothies loaded with full of calories could be so healthy whilst having a watch on the calorie count. The best description I could give for her channel would be “magic in a jiffy”. She literally gives you so many ideas like one pot pasta, meal prep, healthy alternatives which could be made in less than 15 mins. 

There are so many youtubers who are into makeup tutorials lately but out of all the one youtber that catches my attention is beautyybird. Apart from being so pretty she uses techniques which could be used by a girl who is still not a pro to beautify herself. She has an English channel and also a Spanish one. She is a treat to watch!

Ahhh you guys know it whole of the world is into DIY ( DO IT YOURSELF) stuff these days. I would say she is an amazing artist. The way she uses stuff from the dollar store and crafts it out into a an adorable piece is just worth watching. She is absolute inspiration to me. I dont just watch them but I do give it a try. 

If you are so much into skin care, beauty regimens and motivate yourself to be organized then I would recommend you checking rachel’s channel. The way she introduces skin care stuff and uses them, and organizing stuff at home and home décor DIY’s the videos are so therapeutic to watch. She has an adorable baby oliver and a talented husband Byron talbott, who is one of my inspirations for cooking and I love watching both of them.

So this was it. Hope you guys enjoy and have a good day!

Amal ansari